SIBILLE FAMECA Electric is a major actor in electrical risk prevention equipment as well as construction and network management equipment.
As a member of the ESP division (Electrical Safety Products), SFE relies on the experience from itsown manufacturing plants to offer its customers high-performance solutions for all three voltage fields (LV, MV and HV).
The goals aspired to by SFE since its creation are :
SFE focuses on innovation in order to provide solutions adapted to evolving global technological networks and thereby effectively optimizes power distribution and management.
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List of product in Sibille Fameca Electric
Wireless phase comparator, from 4 kV to 500 kV
An alternative to the voltmeter for checking the phase coincidence in a network before looping.
Devices features an electronic detection system with miniature gas discharge tubes.
This original configuration gives it very high performances, especially in the case of high induction and/or parasitic electric fields.
Voltage detector with permanent standby an built-in self test Stability of detection sensitivity and threshold
High electromagnetic immunity
Sound and light indica on to face most environment of work
Device designed to test for the absence of voltage on HV systems up to 735 kV Indica on of the absence of voltage and correct opera on of the device by a green LED
Can be used in all weather
These devices feature an exclusive multi-sensor technology and come with an internal calculator, enabling them to provide at once :
- a wide safety margin for voltage detection, including in difficult configurations,
- better immunity to the influences of other voltages close to the point tested
- Designed to check absence of nominal voltage by direct contact to the line
- It is usually used prior to earthling opera on of a three-phase voltage system
After a safety protection guarantee is in effect, the equipment to be worked on must be tested to verify isolation before grounding and blocking begins. A er testing to verify isolation, the person at the worksite responsible for each crew must verify that required grounding and blocking devices are in place before work begins. Grounding and blocking of any equipment that may be hazardous to workers must be carried out as close as practicable to the worksite. If grounding and blocking is not safe or practicable, written safe work procedures acceptable to the Board must be followed. Grounding and blocking devices may be removed for the purpose of conducting tests.
SPIKING cable to check and ensure the absence of voltage not tension on LV and MV underground cables before cutting them
- LV cable 3x240mm2 with reinforced steel wire
- MV cable 3x240mm2 with reinforced steel wire
The spiking of the multi polar cable Enables the user to limit any resulting short circuit to a single-phase / ground fault when spiking multi core cables. This causes any protective devices to trip before a 2 or 3 phase fault can be created.
CUTTING a er spiking opera on in full safetyMAX cable diameter : Ø100mm
Cutting, after the spiking opera on the so disconnected cable may then be safely cut.
Insulating rubber gloves available in all classes, many sizes, different lengths and colors. Leather protectors are recommended to be worn over Electrovolt gloves to ensure mechanical protection (local regulations, work prac ces and risk analysis apply).
An -slip ps for a be er support Welding filters grade 3
Adjust itself to all face shapes
Technical specifications:
Protection against UV, bright light, flying particles and infrared light Polycarbonate lens, UV protection, an -scratch and an -fog
Impact resistant (45m/s) and resistant to extreme temperatures (-5°C to +55°C) Op cal quality : class 1
ALADIN is designed to provide extra safety level for workers oper- a ng near energized equipment (during maintenance, rescue opera- ons, pain ng, pruning,...) in electrical environment.
This device combines a head light and a personal voltage alarm
EN ISO 20345:2013
ASTM F2413—20KV
Recommended for applications in the electrical industry in dry conditions.
HRO = heat resistance of the sole (300 °C during 1 min),
EH = Dielectric resistance of the sole : up to 20 kV (regarding ASTM F2412)
En rely non-metallic.
Low upper : water repellant full grain leather, derby-type, thickness : 2 mm
Breathable micro-aerated inner lining.
Fastened with laces.
Removable antistatic and antibacterial insole
PU/Nitrile sole, resistant to oil and hydrocarbons, insulated up to 20 kV in dry conditions
Cable and phaser identifier for de- energized three phase cables
Composite insulating gloves with arc flash protection
Safety helmet with integrated face shield for electricians
Electrician Helmet with integrated face shield, ATPV 8,4 cal/cm2
The electrical safety kit allows to assist people in presence of electrical hazards, up to 25 kV network with model VES25 or up to 36 kV network with model VES36.
This kit is particularly suitable for the following situations :
Soft leather gloves
EN 420 / EN 388 (mechanical protection : Abrasion 3 - Slicing 1 - Tear 3 - Perforation 3)
Bicolor chlorinated long composite gloves for medium voltage live working operations (gloving method). Integrated mechanical protection: no need of leather protector. Bell cuff and ergonomic hand shape. One piece only, with excellent leakage current properties (Category F): it is possible to work in wet conditions (if allowed by local regulations and work practices).
Live LV feeder and cable identifier - 6 to 12 feeders
The PDS allows online partial discharge detection on underground cable accessories and equipment for safety and maintenance purposes. This compact and lightweight instrument is battery operated and it has a an autonomy of 30 hours. The Partial Discharge intensity level is displayed on the instrument with the bargraph.
ARC40 (40 cal/cm2) Double Certification Fabric + Garment
ARC53 (53 cal/cm2) Double Certification Fabric + Garment
AFCOM10 coveralls offer protection from the thermal effects of short circuit electrical arcs, with an ATPV that does not exceed 10 cal/cm². These garments are designed for prolonged use throughout the day, and are recommended for operators working on or close to live electrical installations. AFCOM10 clothing are suitable for use in explosive atmospheres (ATEX).
Cutting capacity : diameter 100 mm
Metal armour : all except round wires
Maximum section: 3 x 240mm2 copper
Cutting force : 13 000kg
24V DC operation
Autonomy : 20 cuts
Dimensions L x W x H : 628x165x328 mm Weight : 14 Kg
AFHV8 garments offer protection from the thermal effects of short circuit electrical arcs, with an ATPV that does not exceed 8 cal/cm². These suits are designed for prolonged use throughout the day, and are recommended for operators working on or close to live electrical installations.
AFHV8 clothing are suitable for use in explosive atmospheres (ATEX).
STANDARD(S) The telescopic stick complies to both European and American standards : ASTM F 1826, ASTM F 711, IEC 62193, IEC 60855-1
1000V CAT IV - IP65
UNITAG is a unipolar detector designed to test the presence of phase on insulated or bare LV conductors. The level of detection is indicated by a LED bargraph and a beeping sound which speed increases as device approaches a live source."
USE : For cylindrical conductors and bars
Designed for «proving dead» on high voltage distribution system between 1 kV and 69 kV (voltage ranges calibrated according to IEC recommendations)
The MTag detects any nominal voltage present on a overhead line or in a substation. The MTag meets all the expectations and wishes expressed by users and experts in recent years.